Friday, December 07, 2007

Morocco Carp and 360factory pioneer HDR photography in Morocco

The image intensity is fantastic on this still life of the wash basin in the Cathedral suite of our hotel. Photo: Mike Johansson -

In computer graphics and photography, high dynamic range imaging (HDRI) is a set of techniques that allows a greater dynamic range of exposures (the range of values between light and dark areas) than normal digital imaging techniques. The intention of HDRI is to accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from direct sunlight to shadows.

Nailed! - what an HDR image. Taken high above the lake and village of Bin el Ouidane the old ruined Kasbah can be seen bottom right. The depth of field is incredible with the Ahansal river entrance streching for miles into the Middle Atlas mountains. Photo: Mike Johansson -

HDRI was originally developed for use with purely computer-generated images. Later, methods were developed to produce a high dynamic range image from a set of photographs taken with a range of exposures. With the rising popularity of digital cameras and easy-to-use desktop software, the term "HDR" is now popularly used[1] to refer to the process of tone mapping together with bracketed exposures of normal digital images, giving the end result a high, often exaggerated dynamic range. This composite technique is different from, and generally of lower quality than, the production of an image from a single exposure of a sensor that has a native high dynamic range. Tone mapping is also used to display HDR images on devices with a low native dynamic range, such as a computer screen.

Tonemapped image of Morocco Carp's twin waddies swim on Bin el Ouidane. Photo: Mike Johansson -

Thanks to Wikipedia for the info

The Truth WareHouse Blog

Video Catch reports Morocco Carp